Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gen 2-Chapter 9: Baby, baby, ohhh.

"Tell me again...What did she say?"
  "I'm warning you that you better keep and eye on me.. or something along those lines." The sigh that left my lips was exasperated and loud. "I don't know...If it wasn't a dream then...How?" The confusion that took over me as I looked at Ande who was sitting beside us, rocking back and forth with her hand in her mouth.

"What do you say we have your parents watch Ande, and we can go for a little walk together...alone." He had just described everything that I needed...My mom and dad were just next door now so it shouldn't be too much of a problem for them.

"I have a proposal to make.." Adam said while holding my hand, walking across the bridge that took us to the other side of the island. "Tell me about your childhood. I want to know everything...I want to know what made you the amazing woman you are today." I barked with laughter.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked pulling his arm over my shoulder for the walk across the unsteady beach "If I told you everything then you wouldn't have much to learn about me at all."

 "Whats the problem in that? I want to know everything about you..." I stopped him with a finger to his lips. "I'll tell you...but it might take awhile and the sun is already down." He pulled me to him by my waist and then we sat down on the ground in the sand and he whispered "I've got time."


When we walked back into my house, my mom and dad were laying on the floor next to Ande who was playing away on the xylophone. Our footsteps didn't disturb them so I bent down next to my mother and said "You've got her playing music..and she's never liked the xylophone."
"Hey, little princess!" Adam said picking up Ande and holding her close to him. "Do you have ANY idea how much me and your mommy love you?" She cocked her head and said "I love daddy."

"You know what." I said putting down what I was doing. "I'm going to bed." I stomped off to my room and pulled the covers over me and silently cried.

"GET ANDE'S BAG PLEASE!" I screamed across the house as I was packing the last few things into my bag for our trip to Starlight Shores.
The trip was supposed to be just Adam but he thought it would be fun to go as a family to see the city. So we were packing up and my parents were gonna keep an eye on our house...though I don't think anyone would try to break in.

By the time we got there, it was already morning again. I don't know the time difference between Starlight Shores and our little island but since the trip was so short, it shouldn't be that much. So I called up my mom to make sure everything was a-okay and it was. They were chilling at my house watching TV.

"So, Ande.." I said to her as we walked across the street. "Can you say mommy yet?" She smiled and clapped and said... "Daddy loves mommah to def." Adam laughed his girly little laugh before kissing my ear from behind me and saying "I didn't teach her that!"

"Gammah teach me fings." She said with a stern look on her face. "And Gampa teach me to sing!" Me and Adam looked at each other with warmed expressions and I laughed as the little booger started her song "I wove you, you wove me."

The only reason Adam needed to come to Starlight shores was to sell these people a house. I guess his family was pretty close to these people because when they met at "The flying V."
Everyone greeted each other by name and I was sitting there awkwardly until Adam said "This is my wife, Della. And our daughter Andellia...We call her Ande for short." When he said her name, Ande's head popped up from this little bob thing she was doing in my arms.

"The house is 3 stories, very large and beautiful. Perfect for a large family." Adam set pictures out on the table. "You have 4 children, right?" Laurel nodded and stared at the pictures of the house. "You built this? That's amazing! Oh Darren will just love this...We have to take it!"

"There are 3 stores going up in town so you won't be without food. Langly island is a perfect wide open space for anyone to live and more houses are going to be built!" Adam went on and on before the lady signed the check and handed it to him. His work here was done.

"Are there any plans for a school? I'm a teacher and if I could get a job on the island as a 3rd grade teacher...this would just be amazing!" Adam set a new picture on the table, blueprints for a school that was going to be built during the summer. This lady had it made with our little island.

When we got back to the hotel, Ande fell straight to sleep. Me and Adam wanted to go out, maybe to do some karaoke or just have a nice dinner together. So I phoned up a babysitting agency and they sent a lady right over.
Me and Adam headed out to have a little fun on the town. Being here made me almost miss sunset valley. But I knew that would go away when I stepped on my beautiful island.

We found ourselves at a place called "Rodeo-go-go" The place was bustling with sound and laughter and the smells of food came from every which way...making my mouth water with hunger. Then....there was the dance floor...and the bull.

The only reason I stuck around was to watch Adam kill himself. I figured that I'd be called over to clean up the body anyway. The bull bucked and bucked until it finally threw Adam off into a giant plastic cactus. I sat in the corner saying "I told you so."

"IT'S NOT THAT BAD!" Was the only thing I heard yelled at me while the bull threw me around. "FUCK. YOU!" I screamed at him as I flew up and landed back on the hard surface with a clunk. He had to grab the back of a chair to keep from kneeling over and laughing. Though, I was still being raped by the machine until it stopped.

I hopped up onto my feet on the bull and bowed while saying "Now...that's how you ride a bull." I hopped down with my arms out and Adam grabbed my hand. "Show of much?" He pulled me into his arms and everyone around us was clapping over my performance

He laughed and pulled me onto the dance floor. He decided to show me a few moves that go along with the song.

"Will you take me to the land of Oz.."

 He sang along to the girls part I clapped loudly and cheered as people stared at us. The laughing almost became to much as he danced around the floor. "Come on Dells!" He yelled beckoning me to join him.

I joined in his dance with my hands up in the air. As the song changed to some stupid Miley Cyrus song that I'm sure everyone can't stand those stupid high notes. But I sang along anyway because it went along with how I was dancing and frankly, its quite a catchy tune when you get used to it.

The DJ looked over at us and before we knew it, the tango was playing over the loud speaker and my hand was wrapped up in Adam's and my leg was hooked around his.
I laughed as we spun around the dance floor changing styles and direction. By the time we were finished dancing, I was as tired and as sluggish as a sloth.

I was woken up in the morning with a kiss. I was laying in Adam's lap and his arm was around my back. "Adam..." I whispered into his ear. "Good morning, sunshine." He answered with a tired smile. "What do you think about having another baby?" He opened his eyes and locked them with mine. "You want another?" I nodded, slipping him a sweet kiss.

"Think about it...We could have a planned pregnancy...And afterwards if we want more...we could talk about it and agree on it together?"

"If you want another baby...Then I'll give you another baby." I squealed and kissed all over his face. "Thank you! Thank you! Oh you have no idea how much this means to me!" I jumped up and pulled him with me....

I straddled him and kissed his nose. "You won't regret it..." I whispered as his kiss enveloped my lips and my bones turned to liquid as his hand pulled down the straps to my dress and his hands caressed my back. I toyed with the collar of his shirt before pulling it above his head and throwing it to the side...


"Hello beautiful!" Adam said pulling our little girl into his arms. "Guess what, sweetheart? You're gonna be a big sister!" I took a seat in the corner and watched them play.

"And....HERE COMES THE TICKLE MONSTER! HIDE YOUR CHILDREN! GARRRRHH!" Ande screamed and covered her eyes. "DADDY! SAVE ME!" She played along with him. Her musical laughter making me smile from my little space, a tiny grin covering my lips and my hands resting on my stomach.

Around 3 in the afternoon, everything started to get really hot and humid that I really started to miss my cool little island. So called up my answer....Twice? three times? She never answered and I started to get worried..."Adam!" I screamed from downstairs..."I'm worried about my parents....I need to get home."

I drove through the town as Ande stared out the window and Adam helped me watch the road in the dark. We hastily boarded a 4 person plane and landed on Langly island within the hour. We rushed home. My mom never missed one of my calls. And she always keeps her phone near her when she sleeps...Also the fact that she hadn't called back yet...

Panic kept me from screaming at what I saw when I entered my house...The furniture was all over the house but I was brought to tears at the sight of my mom...unconscious and puddled around her was her own blood...My dad was no where in sight... Adam had stepped through the door and I saw a flash of red hair before I realized that the scream echoing around the room...was mine.

To be continued.... Thank you for reading <3 sorry to keep you in suspense but if you know me...then you should be used to it! :) Please leave your comments and if you would...Click on the ads below my post :) I'm trying to raise money for a new simming laptop and this would help more than you know...Thank you all! I love you all :D


  1. Omg?! OMG! You've got me at the edge of my seat! D:

    1. That's how I want you....In suspense and...unaware of what's going to happen next ;)

  2. AHH!!! *excited scream*......AHHHH! DELLA! *worried scream* who is that red-haired girl!! 3:
    Yay nother baby!

    1. You're being a little bipolar, Annerbuggs? ;3

    2. haha yah i'm always bipolar!! :D
      and yes my name is annabuggs! i'm the annoying girl who alsways talks to you on facebook XD

    3. I know who you are XD The question mark after Annerbugss was for the question about being bipoloar XDDDD Just to clarify ^_^

    -Love Sierra

  4. :O that was an epic cliff hanger -_- hope she will be alright!!!!!!! Can't wait til the next post! But really... That left me on the edge of my seat -__- Cn't wait til the next part!!!!!!!

    -Kaitlyn aka Alina Taylor

    1. I'm known for epic clifhangers...I used to keep people in suspense for weeks....You'll have to wait and see....On chapter 10 ;) Hope it won't be toolong...Glad you liked ;3

  5. WOW what A EPIC cliffhanger!!!
    Hope she doesn't die!!!


    1. Stay tuned! I hope you'll stick around for the answers...:3 Glad you enjoyed...for the most part.

  6. Um what? I am not sure I am liking this. I hope the next post is out soon


    1. I don't like it either...But some things must be done.
      It'll be out as soon as it can.
      Thanks for commenting.

  7. OMG!! It's satania!


    1. And we have another winner *claps* Good job Zoe
      Thanks for commenting! :D

  8. Its the snake girl!! O.O OMG I hope Della and Jay are okay!! :'( Please post a new chapter soon, the suspense is already killing me.

    ~Dawn Turner

    1. You're the first one to mention Jay....Hmm. I'll post soon! I promise!

  9. Where's Jay? o_o
    Oh my gosh, what does Satania have against the lovely Della?
    You have me wanting to read more soon!

    1. He's sleeping...Shhhh...

      You'll find that out soon enough...I'm working on my next post right now!

  10. O_O DELLA!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! O_O That is DEFINITELY Satania. OMG Della BETTER be okay.

    1. And Jay, Jay better be okay too.



  11. OH NO OH NO :( I'm SO on the edge of my seat to know what happened.

    1. The answers are in the next post...Keep reading!
      Thanks for commenting

  12. Satania, you bitch! (sorry for the curse xD)
    Della Alex, you will be alright my dear, you will, you must! GRRR. I wanna butt kick her face into a goblins mouth with two sets of sharks teeth (seems legit, right? ;)
    Where your daddy be.. Satania what have you done with Jay? Cow faced poodle. -_-
    On a more POSITIVE note, there's gonna be a new Wriner baby on Langly island.. correction. LANGLY baby, darn, that's so hard to get used to xDD
    Ande's still no mummy's girl is she, perhaps she'll want attention from you if you give your new baby attention, then again.. she could just go to her daddy for attention.
    Well sold Adam, you got a new person joining your island, buying one of your houses AND a new school teacher too! :D
    Li needs to move her butt to Langly island and out do Satania, imma kill that chick, she's awful. And she (Liana) needs to be there when things perk up like after the new baby is born :P


    1. I think your word was perfect for what she is...UGH. Della'll be okay <3 She's been around this long...why would I kill her off now?
      Oh totally legit XD Goblins have shark teeth? XDD
      Where dem dads at? the next post and you'll figure it out XDD

      Oh yes, but Ande isn't too happy with that little change -__- Langly is about as unusual as Wriner is so it's hard to get used to XDDD
      It's hard for me as well to adapt to the change.
      Nah, she gets her attention from daddy <3 she's just such a dad hog, its funny to watch them play together in game XDD
      Adam's gonna wish he went somewhere else to find people to join the island....hmmm.
      Li is going to be in a post soon! Promise ^_^

  13. SSatania, I knew she was trouble. She's a daughter of a b******.

  14. Adam's gotten into imitating Antoine Dodson? ;P
    "Hide your children.."
