Monday, March 5, 2012

Gen 2: Just something random- Baby 95

My mind was sent whirring again as I said “Bu-but…Adam…You-”
I was flustered as I stumbled over my own words “You’re gay!”
“No…” He looked at his shoes, “You only…believed I was”
“So…this entire time…the whole time we’ve known each other…was all a lie?” The rush of the kiss washed away as fury took its place “How could you do this to me? You knew that I liked you”
“I didn’t want to be pulled into your little game! I didn’t want to end up being someone to use and then throw away!”

I closed my eyes and turned around, I had no idea what was going on, I was so confused when Adam came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me saying “You have no…no idea how it felt seeing you kiss or hug Aaron…knowing that if I don’t intervene soon…I’ll never even have a chance”
 “You could have had me in the first place…” I said, my heart started beating faster… “I know” he sighed. “I figured that out…when I saw you out with Aaron”

I turned around in his arms and looked into the warmth of his eyes, I felt myself soften when he finally said “I’ve been waiting…so long for this”
 “Adam” I said again “We could have been together all this time, I wanted you…still do”
 “Well then lets be together”
 “Is it that easy?”
 “If you make it that easy, it is”


I had gotten Della to settle down after awhile and actually convinced her to sleep. I had told her that I would explain someday...but she needed to sleep first. of course she would make sure I didn’t leave by making me her pillow. I don’t mind a bit…In fact, I feel bad for all the rest of the men in this world who will never have a girl like her…


When I woke up, the first face I saw was that of my Adam, I couldn‘t believe him. Was he faking this because of what I said in the hospital? “Is this really happening?” I asked “Or am I just dreaming?”
“Its real Della” he said pulling my arm up around him “and if I could make it…it would last forever, but I know you Della…” I stood up, not exactly sure what he meant by that until I took a moment to look at myself…I had never made a commitment and I couldn’t keep the one I had at one point…I frowned upon my own life, how could I have done this to myself? At that moment, I swore to never again think of Adam as my gay best friend…because he isn’t, he’s the man I want to be with forever. And I’ll make it happen one way or another, starting with finishing the 100 baby challenge….

Adam had made his way into my rock hard heart and I love him for it…When he left my side I felt a little sad that I had been so stupid. I jumped in the shower with a immense feeling of relief, I was finally happy with what I had…no one could take that from me.

“Della, why are you wearing that hat?” I knew the question was coming the second Violet stepped through the gate. “Oh you know” I said casually “Wind” I could tell she didn’t buy it as she gave me that mom look, I’m sure her kids knew by heart. “No, really Vi, mom warned me about a huge tornado coming this way and its supposed to blow my hair out, so I’m wearing this hat until it passes….” the look didn’t budge.

I took off the cap and let my hair fall to my shoulders, feeling like Goldie Locks. “Hmmm” she looked me over “Blonde eh?”
“I didn’t do it” I defended the blonde tresses falling around my shoulder. “Before I took my shower, I was brown and blue, when I took the towel off my head….Blonde as a bird”
 “Birds are blonde?" It was just an expression” I said laughing. “How do you feel about a weekend with me and the girls?” She asked me. “That sounds fun? This weekend?”
“Sure thing!” She smiled and started walking out the door “I’ll see you Friday then”

“Hi Beau, I’m looking for someone to be in my challenge? You still want to?” “Of course I do” He said into the phone excited “I’ll be over in a few minutes if you want to do it now” I sighed, I want to wait a bit but I need to get this done so I agreed right away and he was on his way.

It was really very quick, now that I’m pregnant, Beau had to leave before one of the kids come upstairs or even Adam, so as soon as the lullaby played, I got up to go shower again, to see if I could get this stinking blonde out of my hair.

John is amazing, he is blonde and cute. That was the perfect mix for a guy like him, any girl looking for a cute nice guy is sure to find the perfect match in John. He is…nothing like his great uncle (You win Vanessa)

Patrick is just like his older brother, its common, he learned all that he knows from his hair flipping sibling, Patrick loves the irony of how Patrick the star is pink and he has pink hair, Spongebob is probably his favorite show in the entire world.

Kayleigh, Kesha and Star, in that order. They laughed as I took this picture saying “LETS DO A PHOTOSHOOT MOMMY!” I smiled and snapped another one saying “Maybe tomorrow after mommy gets home from her relaxation” they screamed “OKAY!!! LETS GO PICK OUT OUR DRESSES!” They ran into their room singing.

Ruth, Ruby and Lyman joined as toddlers, Ruth has her grandma’s hair while Ruby has my hair color; Ruby and Lyman have my eyes, Lyman has his fathers hair and then Ruth has my father’s eyes, they contrast in every way to each other but that’s the way I like it.

“And don’t forget to call me often, I’ll miss you tons” I hugged my son tight “I’ll keep in touch” he said patting my back. “And tell Adam that I said bye” he said smiling, knowing exactly what happened up in my room yesterday evening. He left soon after that, talking on the phone with his best friend saying “Dude! I’m moving out”

My bebe belly showed by that evening, I was helping John haul all his crap out when I first felt the little kicker, soccer player for sure. I whispered to the baby “Only 3 days until I get to see you little one” then I pulled my shirt down farther and with on with the day.

As I waited for 1:00 Am to come, I stared up at the stars, finding constellations and comets. I scanned the stars for anything that I could keep my eye on for longer then 2 seconds and actually be intrigued by.

“DANCE, STAR!” Kesha said to her sister, rocking out to her own beat. I had shooed them off to bed quickly enough and kicked the radio to turn it off, I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a drink and then headed to bed myself. And then was encased in a dreamland of colors and fire….And of course, Adam.

When I woke up, my phone was ringing off the hook, the ring tone was screaming “DELLA! PICK UP YOUR PHONE!” Over and over again, I recognized Skye Everard’s voice screaming at me, “JUST PICK UP THE PHONEEEE” It ended with a beep and I picked up to call her back, right as I was going to hit the button, it started screaming again, “Della Eve Wriner, this is Skye. You better pick up this phone”

I picked up laughing at the ringtone, she started out on me “Okay, so Vi told me about our spa day today, I called a few friends and we’re all meeting at the spa. Is that alright with you? Oh yah and I cant wait to see you” She said this like she was leaving a voicemail. I promptly agreed, saying “Okay, so who’ll all be there? Me, you, Vi…”
She continued “Angie, Anna, Kayla, Kalyn, Amber and of course, Liana”

I walked out the door and someone snuck behind me and grabbed my ears saying “Guess who Delliepoo” I tried to turn around to see who was tugging on my ears but whenever I turned, she turned. I knew exactly who had me though…It was Skye. She didn’t know that I knew her voice so well. So I pulled out of her grip; she just jumped on my back saying “Giddyup fido! To the car”

I made it to the in home spa with Skye in tow and alive. She was quite intent to make sure that I made it today. I was told that my girls missed me and they couldn’t believe that we hadn’t hung out in so long. Truth be told…I really missed my friends and couldn’t wait to walk in that spa and just relax for hours on end.

“Liana Love Masons!” I called my friend over to me “Are you just gonna sit there and not even say hi?” “Actually” she said scratching her chin “My rainbow unicorn informed me that you were coming so I was purposely avoiding you for matters bigger than ourselves” She smirked before hugging me and saying “Just joking. Its good to see you! And holy crap! You’re huge!” I leaned over and whispered to her “If I have a girl, I’m naming her after you” her eyes sparkled and she went back to her spa chair.

Kayla, Anna and Angie all sat around and waited for the hairdresser to come down with their hair colors. Angie was going black, Anna was going blonder and Kayla was going red. I had decided to go back to my original color because I really hate being a blonde, it makes me feel too girly.

Vi, Kalyn and Skye sat around talking about their kids and especially Wisdom who was doing so well now with her little family. Vanessa never did show, I have a feeling that she was busy tonight but decided not to tell anyone.

Everything was going well and everyone was having fun together. The lady had just hustled upstairs to get my hair color mixed when Pippa walked in. I greeted her with a hello and when she saw me, she looked away and waved saying “Hi Della” then whispered to herself “This was such a bad idea”
“Pippa, what is wrong with you?” I had asked this before seeing her…Her face was flushed. She looked like skin and bones and she had a black eye.

“come with me” she pulled me outside and started to cry, her tears fell down her face so fast I could hardly understand what she was saying. “Please! Don’t tell Adam” is the only thing I picked up. “I can’t imagine what he would do to Ny if he knew what was going on! And I know that I deserve this. I’m fat and stupid” “I can’t…” I started, my heart telling me that I couldn’t keep this from him. “I don’t know what to say Pippa. You look horrible. You need to get away from him. He’s hurting you!”
"He does it out of good intentions. It’ll help me in the long run”

By the time I had cheered Pippa up, most of my friends had already gone. Liana told me that they had asked her to tell me goodbye for them. She then felt my belly and said her goodbyes. I watched Pippa from across the room getting a nice facial and massage and decided it had been a long day already and it was time for me to go home.

When I got home, Adam was waiting for me. He was sitting outside with a nice picnic. “You look hungry” He laughed, his girly tone taking over. “Want some?” he pointed to the basket. “Oh gosh, thanks” I flopped on the blanket. “Are the kids asleep?”
 “Yup. They go pretty easily” Adam seemed distracted. I was probably just imagining it but he seemed sad. “Adam, what is it?” he looked up at me and said sweetly “Nuthin”

I sighed and leaned back to watch the stars when I felt a pang. Of course, labor. I sat up and grabbed my stomach, tears filling my eyes and standing up. “Give me a minute alone please” I said to Adam starting inside. “It shouldn’t be too long this time” he gave me that look that I know so well, the one that he gives me when he’s in pain. But this time, I’m the one in pain.

I smiled as I carried little Liana. She’s so soft and cute. I held her for awhile before she started to cry and I laid her down to sleep. I checked on the rest of the kids before heading back down the stairs and out to the back yard. Adam had stood up and the basket was strewn across the yard. He had been angry, his features were scrunched up and he had tears falling down his face. His phone…was on the sidewalk in pieces. Shit is about to go down.

Thanks to all my guest stars and readers. I'm almost finished so I've started taking name requests for generation 3!  I hope you all enjoyed this post and please leave me feedback! Also, if you could click my ads, that would be lovley. I'm trying to collect money for a new simming laptop that would improve my gaming and how fast I get my posts out.
 Love you all <3


  1. :O What's wrong with Adam? :( Another cliffhanger... -_- You just love torturing us huh Dells? lol :)
    Della looks good as a blonde, but I still think she'll never look as good as she does with her blue and brown hair color. :)
    5 MORE BABIES!! Your almost done! :D Hey you may even beat Vanessa, lol. XD
    Great post. <3

    ~Dawn Turner

    1. You'll see soon enough :) Don't worry about it...
      I love clifhangers XD It keeps people coming back for more XDDDD
      I don't really like her as a blonde...Her blue and brown hair describes her better as unique.
      EEEK! 5 more! So happy :) Vanessa would kill me if I got there first XDDDD
      Thank you!


  2. Great post Della. Loved the Spa date. Awe poor Adam.

    Hugs Ashby

  3. This brought out a lot of emotions but one of the best was the HUGE smile on my face seeing that Violet was present. Poor Pippa I hope that she gets better.

    1. I'm glad that that made you happy <3 I love Vi. always have, always will!

      Pippa will get better...don't worry :)

  4. Name one Summer because thats my name
