Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gen 2. End of the beginning-Babies 99 and 100

It wasn't a happy occasion...My cheeks were wet with tears and I had everyone I loved standing nearby. Salem was buried only a day after she had died and I had come one last time to say goodbye to the baby I would never meet.I had clearly defied the doctors wishes by not staying in bed but I couldn't get passed this...Salem's twin sister Shiloh was a quiet baby. Adam held her while I cried into my mother's shoulder.

I laid in bed 10 minutes later, alone, cold...I needed someone...something. I stared at the ring glinting on my finger. Adam had offered to stay and I would have let him, but he needed a night off. I had caused him so much stress these last few days and I didn't want him to be inconvenienced

I was woken up that next morning with two toddlers and a child jumping on me saying "Mommy! You're home!" Liana flopped on top of me saying "WE HAVE BEEN WAITING ALLLLLLL WEEK FOR YOUUU MOM!" I swooped Cassie up into my arms "Well, guys? What do you say we start off the new week with a birthday?" Somehow my girls always cheer me up, as they jumped around, my heart was smiling!
And here we go again...Killing the doctors wishes of staying in bed.  



Cassie and Penny
Ruby, Ruth and Lyman left in a hurry. They had had enough of running on my schedule and couldn't wait to get on their own. all three already had jobs and Ruth was heading to college in Europe. Ruby and Lyman would stay right here in sunset valley and do their extra studies...all in all, I was very proud of them.

A few hours after the triplets left, I sat down with a book on the couch. It was the only really relaxing thing that I had done for a few days now. I was halfway through the second chapter when I heard a sharp knock on the door. I hopped up, maybe a little to fast because I got a little sick. but that isn't the only thing that made me sick...when I opened the door, Aaron was standing there.

My brain told me to slam the door in his face. to make him leave and never come back...but the look on his face got to my heart and I opened to door for him and said "Come on in."
He shook his head..."No Della...Not until I say what I need to say." I looked behind me and closed the door. "What is it Aaron?"
 "I am so sorry Della...I didn't mean for anything to happen...I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm so sorry about Salem..."
 "What are you getting at?" I snapped, ready for the catch. "I want...I want to be in your challenge. I'll leave you alone afterwards but please...just let me be the last father"

I knew that Adam would kill me for this...I knew that it would probably be a kink in our relationship. but he doesn't understand what about Aaron pulls me in and neither do I. So, I let him inside and upstairs to my bedroom where babies 99 and 100 were conceived. Aaron left without another word, his car was filled with boxes and he drove away from sunset valley...I had driven him out of town.

*Ring* I ignored my phone for a few seconds too long because when I checked it afterwards...*NEW VOICEMAIL* popped up on the screen. I listened and it was Nessa screaming at me "IF YOU DON'T PICK UP THE PHONE WHEN I CALL YOU...SO HELP ME! I WILL KILL YOU."
Right as it ended, Adam called. "Della! I had a perfect idea..."
"Go on," I pushed "Tell me!"
 "What if...We got pregnancy pictures done for your last baby. I gotta get pregnant first but I was thinking we could go to the hospital this tim-"
"Adam...Its already done"
"I'm pregnant. no need to worry about that. but what you were saying about the pictures?"
"Who's the father?" He asked, strained.
"Its-" I started and I was sure that my voice sounded guilty because he said from the other end "It was Aaron wasn't it?"
 "How did you know?" my voice got small and he answered "I saw him leaving your house...why else would he be there?"
"Adam...Please don't be mad at me! He came over...I just couldn't say no.."
"I'm not mad...just a little frazzled" a heavy sigh came over his end "So...I'll set up and appointment for the pictures should be big enough by then" He hung up before I could say goodbye. Boy he's moody.

I heard feet...scrambling up the stairs. I rounded the corner and just missed a pair of heels on the last step up. I heard Violet Newbie giggle and Dawn Turner whisper "Quiet! she'll know we're here" I creeped up the stairs behind them, making little to no noise. they were expecting me to be in my room...but I was right behind them.

"Why hello, little intruders" each of the 7 girls flipped around in the doorway to my room. Amber had a devious look on her face and Kalyn was smiling like a loon. Nessa had already slipped into my room by the time that I had caught them and had been saying "GUYS SHE'S NOT IN HERE" Liana was laughing at this point, busting a gut at the look on my face. The 7 girls took my arms and shoved me into the car, I stared out the window as a car pulled up and the babysitter waved as we left.

Before even an hour passed, I found myself sitting at my mom's house, being badgered about all sorts of wedding things. I kept arguing about how it was way too early. Truthfully, I don't want a big wedding. something small would be perfect for me. I want a pretty dress, something tht makes a statement but not outrageous. The last thing they picked on me about...was the date. I really had no idea. This was something that me and Adam would have to figure out together.

"So...I'm ready" I said to my mom, who was just now examining my stomach. "Yep" She smiled "Twins. You're finished as soon as these children are born...You'll have had 100 children and then you can move on" my lips bulled back in a huge grin. "Mom...I don't say this often enough...but thank you. You passed this challenge onto me and I have never leaned a lesson better then I have because of you...Thank you"

 mom asked me to do something for her right before I left, she wanted me to write down a list of people who aren't in this house who I wanted to thank...So I sat down at the table and scribbled down one name and ran out the door to my car. When she looked at it later...she would see the name of my twin brother, Jay.

I stood at my brothers door for longer then I should have. I was getting impatient when a little girl toddled up to the door and pulled it open saying "AUNT DELLA!" I had never met April before but I'd seen pictures. my little niece hugged my leg as I walked through the doors. "April," Lacey called from the kitchen "Let Aunty Della through." The 12 year old walked in and pulled April from my leg.

Jay came in through the door on the left saying "Cristy,if you need it...there's Tylonal on the counter." He saw me from behind before I saw him and snuck up on me and hugged my back "Long time no see." I laughed and tried to pull him off me. "Jay, if you dont get your scrawny butt off me, I'll punch you. I'm not afraid to hit a girl" He let go and swung me around and pulled me into a real hug..."This is the last one isn't it? that's why you came over?" I nodded with a grin, while showing him my ring. "My boyfriend proposed too..." He kissed my cheek and a said "Congrats sis" I sat around and talked with him for awhile...but I had to leave in a hurry because I forgot about my appointment with Adam. so I hugged each of the kids and Jay goodbye.

When I pulled up to the photographers studio, I could have sworn I smelt some kind a flower and maybe even seen a flash of green in the distance. But I put it aside. I was huge, my stomach was bulging and Adam seemed happy with it when I saw him. "These pictures will be great!" He said, a little bit to enthusiastically. I think he was just trying to make me feel better about the whole Aaron thing...It worked.

“Hi, you must be the Langly’s?” Adam nodded “Hi!” the photographer said shaking my hand “I’m Melanie. You want pregnancy pictures, is that correct? Do you want pictures with just the mother because pictures with both mother and father are always so adorable to hang on the walls?”
I looked at Adam skeptical, he just smiled and started talking. “We’d like pictures of just her and the both of us if you can.”
Melanie wrote something down in a notebook she was holding that was titled with “Memories by Melanie” and then started to talk again “I have all sorts of backgrounds hung up. I had a visual when I saw you two” she chimed, pushing her bleach blonde hair behind her ear “I see sort of a romantic theme between you two, maybe we can get roses…And I can have you guys behind the white and black backdrop and then when we have just the mother we can use the fairytale castle or even black and white would be cute”

Melanie pulled me in front of the white backdrop and went to go grab Adam. As they were walking over, he whispered something into her ear. I had no clue what he could be saying until a very pregnant Vanessa jumped out of her car and hobbled towards us Adam smiled and Melanie posed him behind me, his hands on my stomach and my hands over his. my eyes were gleaming as she took the picture. Vanessa stood next to Melanie while waiting for her turn to jump in with me. In all our pregnant with baby 100 glory.

Melanie put us in a couple poses and then pulled Adam away. We were all under her power as she posed my best friend next to me and then me to fit her pose. She snapped many pictures. I was so happy it wasn’t even funny. I was pregnant with baby 100 the same time as my best friend in the whole world. I could feel the bliss emanating off her as well.

When everyone was finished, we all jumped in our cars and I yelled at Nessa that I’d meet her at my house. I had to go to the store to pick up some milk and peaches before I went home. I zipped through the store and picked up everything I needed before getting back on the road to home. When I got home, everything was quiet…everything was dark. I came through the foyer and saw dozens of candles lining up the stairs. It was showing a path so I followed…I was careful not to hit any of the candles from the side of the stairs. My hallway was illuminated by the glow of the candles leading to my room.

They led into the bathroom and to a nice bath, filled to the top with warm water and bubbles. I looked around to make sure no one else was here. I slipped off my dress and stepped into the tub. As I was sitting back, I noticed a note on the wall. It read “Della, Vanessa ran home to get a few things to spend the night. I took the kids out to eat. Here’s a nice warm bath for you. We’ll be back in an hour. Adam.”

I had soaked for 20 minutes in the hot water, gotten out and dried myself off, put on my pj’s and shoved in a movie before I saw Vanessa’s car pull up. She trudged up the stairs and threw her bag on the ground saying “I never knew how much it took to grab a few things and drive back over here” “Especially while pregnant” I added. “68 hours pregnant to be exact” I said patting my tummy. “Are you ready for baby 100?” I asked eager for her to sit down next to me and watch “Sim in rome.” I was tired of being lonely.

But right as she sat, I heard the door slam and Adam came running up the stairs. He was frantic saying “I’m sorry I’m late! Have you had the babies?” But me and Nessa were just sitting there on the couch. That changed about a second later when Vanessa’s water broke. I helped her the best I could until…

Well? Didn’t we all know this was gonna happen? Me and Vanessa, having baby 100 at the same exact time. It was a chain of events and…Adam was all alone with 4 children and 2 overweight screaming girls. Pretty soon it was all over. I had given birth to twins…Vanessa had a single beautiful baby girl.

Meet baby 99...A boy named Asa.

And at last…after a year and 2 months of working my butt off…I give you…Baby 100...Collette. As I rocked Collette, I realized something…I made sure to write it down, just so that I’ll never ever forget…and Neither will the next 8 generations of my kin.

 Everything happens for a reason and I was born to do this. I was born to lead and not to follow. Everyone has their own destiny and mine…was to take on this legacy and then pass it on to my daughter…. Now that I’m done, its time for me to go live my life and bring into this world, an heir to my mothers challenge and her destiny, as mine was, will be to finish this challenge and pass it on….I wish her luck.

As I finally move on to take part in a life that is so much different from the one I’ve been living. I’m finally going to settle down with one man in one house. I had already known what I wanted from the day I’d seen Adam. Now I’m going to go capture that, bring in my own fate for the rest of my life. Now…I’m going to be….exactly who I want…Not some kind of whore….Never again…but instead…I’m going to be a wife.

This video was made by Dawn turner...Thank you Dawn for taking the time out of your day to put this together for me...Thank you so much. Love you girl... <3

One last little thing before I let my writer take over...I'd like to say congratulations to Vanessa ;) We actually hit 100 at the same time and put out our posts together. Here is the link to her post :) I'm in it so it must be amazing ;) Love you Nessie XD 
Vanessa's 100th baby

Della Eve Wriner was here.

 *Doylegirl notes* I just can’t believe its over…again. I’m so grateful to everyone who has followed since day one with Della Alex and then Della Eve. There are so many people I want to thank for making this journey possible.

 First, I want to thank my best friend Caitlyn for…well being my friend and keeping me at it even when I wanted to quit. There are so many times when I just wanted to delete Della and be done…but it was always you keeping me working and writing. I love you! <3

I want to thank Molly/Violet for her amazing encouraging words and even her own writing. Violet, you keep me inspired and a billion words on this thank you message would never be enough.

Laura Lake. I want to thank you for….Being you. You’ve had so many intervals with your challenge but look at you, you keep going! Even if it’s a whole new mother each time, you never give up!

 Amber lights, you always tell me I’m an amazing writer and I can’t thank you enough for being one of the only people who can make me feel so good about my writing that I actually started to love reading my own work.

Liana Masons. Gurl, your comments are the ones I always look forward to because they inspire me. They make me laugh. You are one of my most faithful followers and even when I’m feeling down, your comments make me laugh.

Ashby Lemi, even when what you say isn’t much, its always enough for me just because you said something. Thank you for keeping with me and with this challenge the whole way.

Llama (Angie), Anna and Kayla. You guys make me laugh so hard that I SNORT and that’s hard. But its also hard finding friends like you…so thank you

Dawn Turner....Thank you for always being there when I need to talk and thank you SO much for your beautiful videos that graced this last post. Thank you for the gifts you've sent over the sims 3 store and thank you for your never failing comments...they always make me smile <3

 I’m going to quit here. I estimate that I will be back on this blog in a few months, but there are no promises. I might sometimes post things here just to make sure you know that I have and update. But until then…I’ll be seeing you with Adam and Eve <3


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D I can't believe you've finished two challenges now.. wow, you're fast. I loved this post..and I can't wait to see how Adam and Eve's story goes. ^_^ <3

    1. Awwww thank you <3 Congratulations to yourself ms Wood :D Hahah I can't wait....geeeee

  2. CON-GRAT-ULA-TIONS <3 Liana is stunning... Asa and Collete are little cuties. I'm SO excited for generation 3... WE ARE BOTH ON GENERATION THREE :P
    Well I'm sure you are going to pass me up but I'm cool with that.

    The thank you at the end was touching... I love you Dellers :D

    1. OMG Thank you!! Asa...and Collette are just adorbs...I adore them! They are so cute!! YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE GENERATION 3 VIOLET! I doubt I'll pass you up :p

      I have to thank've just done so much....I love you Violet

  3. YAY! Congrats two down, eight to go! I love you and don't you ever forget it! I can't wait for more!


    1. Generation 3 is on the way! I won't EVER forget it...More is coming!

  4. LOVED it!!<33 So sad Della Eve will be going, but I bet her daughter's going to just as epic :D
    And obviously a cutie with a dad like Adam, and a mum like Della:3

    1. THANK YOU! Della Eve will be around for awhile! Don't think I'm gonna get rid of her right off the bat ;)
      Gen 3 is going to be very epic...Can't wait!

  5. OMG! YOU FINISHED!! I'm so happy for you! :D I can't wait to read the future posts of Della and Adam's new life together. You make me want to finish my challenge already, but I have 20 more babies to go. :P
    I wish you luck in the married life and I can't wait to meet generation 3 Della and watch her complete the same challenge!! <3
    Thank you for having Dawn in your final post, it really means a lot.
    I love the ending where you thank everyone that has helped you and made you smile, and I'm glad that you love my videos and comments, and you deserve every gift I have ever given you. :D
    Love Ya Dells!

    ~Dawn Turner

    1. Wow...I'm still in shock! I can't believe I'm done again! EEEK I can't WAIT to get started with what I'm doing next! Della and Adam are really fun to write for <3
      Go DAWWWWN!
      Della needs luck ;) so far she's doing okay but later on...who knows! The next generation just might blow your mind ;) Mwahahaha.
      Aw no problem! And it really isn't my final post because I'm continuing on this blog. That thank you message took a long time to do and I'm glad I could take the time to write it up <3
      I love you Dawn! thank you for the comment <3

  6. Umm Congrats on the last babies for generation 2.


  7. OMG I can't believe you are done with your 2nd baby challenge. That you so much for the little shout out it warmed my heart. I am so happy for Adam and Della I cant wait to see who takes up the challenge next.

    Until next time

    1. I can't believe it either! I'm so happy right now <3333333333 I'm just ecstatic about how well the next section of my blog is going...You deserved that shoutout <3 you always make me feel loved with your comments <3 I think you'll be quite surprised ;)

    2. I can't wait to see what is in store for us. <3 Thank you again.

    3. <3 I really hope you enjoy :3

  8. OMG! You finished Gen 2! =D And you named him Asa! I just about squealed in my chair,except that it's 10:30 PM here and everyone's asleep. But great job, and can't wait for the next 100! =D

    1. Gen 2 isn't really over until gen 3 starts ;) So make sure to keep up with Della and Adam :D
      And yes! I did name him Asa. I was talking with my friend and she suggested the name and I remembered your legacy founders name and I though it would be neat!
      Haha don't wake the house up :D
      Thanks a lot! The comment means a lot <#

  9. I read AND commented, but it didn't acquire it -.- so here goes it again, I shall xD...

    It was so sad about Salem :( But at least you have her twin a happy healthy baby and the picture was just ahh sad but cute :/
    Kids are always the cure to sadness, somehow.
    Talking of your kids, they're cute-pretty-handsome and Liana (my little Li) is a true beauty, like her mumma :)
    Did you like your little party ^_^
    Hai Jay, it's been a while since we've seen you, since we've ALL seen you. He looks like he's doing well Dells.
    Those poses are sooooo CUTE :3
    It's great that you and your best friend finished your challenges together :)
    Don't worry I didn't forget to say it...


    I can't wait to see Adam and Della babies ;) so will you name one of their children Della to continue with Gen 3, as you did with Della A. and Jay?
    Thank you for the shout out comment, i'm so happy, smiled like a goooon. I'm so glad about everything you mentioned about me in that comment:
    That I inspire you; make you feel better; make you laugh; that you look forward to them; and you are right that I am one of your most faithful followers. YOU'RE SO RIGHT :D :D :D
    Love you guuurrrrl <333
    This is my longest comment EVER, but I hope you enjoy reading it and all the other stuff it does to you.
    Sorry it's late, but worth it?
    blah yackity yack. "now just shut up Liana" says creator XD
    Off now before I just go overboard.. oh wait.. I think that already happened XD

    Just oiehugtfuibg7t4 <33

    1. You're so dedicated that you would write this long of a comment TWICE... <3

      Who knows, maybe Salem will show up as a ghost sometime? I hadn't been planning it but its a cool idea :) Shiloh didnt know her sister so she can cope :/ Della's pure happiness is her children...even though she doesn't show it all the time...they are the only thing really keeping her sane at the moment. I love how you always comment on how my kids look <3 you and Vi are the only ones who do that XD Li is really gorgeous, I love having her in my household.
      Oh yes XD Loved the party.
      Jay is doing well for himself. He hasn't been around much and I kinda miss him but he's got his own life <3 I REALLY loved the poses. I picked them out about amonth ago just for this post :D
      Me and Vanessa were proud of ourselves for doing that :) It took a long time to plan and stuff but we did it!

      Thank you so much! I'm so happy to be finished with gen 2 but at the same time I miss Della having those gorgeous little pickles.

      Adam and Della babies...are going to be amazing. I can just see it now! YES..Thats what I plan to do, only its gonna be a little bit different this time :D
      No problem! I enjoy your comments SOOOOOO much that I had to shout it out <3 You do inspire me and make me feel better about my writing. You make me laugh and even make me smile a lot. I always look forward to your comments the most <3

      Love you toooooo gurlllll
      My reply is gonna be longer then your comment ^_^ Haha I have enjoyed it and answering it <3
      It doesn't matter that its late...I still answer comments from baby 1 of my first challenge :D
      You're cute XDDDDD
      You already have gone overboard dear...but I enjoy every second of it <3


  10. Congratulations! ♥
    I can't wait to hear more from Adam and Eve, and meet Della 3rd!

    1. Thank you so much <3 I can't wait to tell their story and show you...exactly what I have in store for the next generation :D
