Friday, July 8, 2011

Gen 2: Things never work out-babies 39 and 40

“Oh gosh…No mom, I don’t have a boyfriend” I didn’t think that me and Charlie would strike people this way, through her line I heard “Della, people are talking, they all think you’re giving up the challenge to be with him” I answered “This is why I don’t have adult relationships mom, no one gets it, I can have a love life without being deemed a cheater…”

“But that’s the thing Della, you CAN’T have a love life without being deemed a cheater, if you only have kids with Charlie then it won’t be a challenge, if you stay with Charlie and have other men’s babies then people will think you’re a good for nothing whore, if you quit the challenge then you’re a quitter and if you dump Charlie you’ll be a heartbreaker…There is only one way out of it without people judging you….. You have to make Charlie break up with YOU”

“I don’t exactly know how to do that…I can’t be mean to the poor guy, I could just tell him that this isn’t working out, he’d understand! Wouldn’t he?”
“Della, this stuff isn’t easy, men get competitive, you have to drive him away”
“How much time do I have to spend not being pregnant?”
“Well it depends on how fast you can get him to leave”
“Alright, well we’ll see mom, I don’t know what’s gonna happen but something will happen, I love you, talk to you soon”

After we hung up I smirked to myself…I think I know what to do.

******Charlie’s POV*****

I had always observed Della from far away because of my lack of nerve to ask her out…But I’m glad I did, she’s so laid back and cool…Now I have to come up with a plan to get her to stop that challenge…and be with me.

I don’t know how to deal with the other men that want her though, she’s a golden ticket and everyone wants to get their hands on that woman.

“Hello? Mrs Wriner, yes? Yes? WHAT? Okay…I’ll be over in a minute…” Oh my gosh…Della is missing.

When I walked into Della’s house it looked like there was a struggle, Della A was standing there with a tear in her eye, I couldn’t believe what was going on…When her dad came trampling down the stairs he sadly said “No sign of her…but the kids are all okay”

When we crowded around Cola she started talking “Mom was on the phone with Grandma” she said pointing to Mrs. Wriner “When this guy came through the door and threw her over his shoulder saying “I wouldn’t have to do this if a certain challenge mom would answer my calls and not ditch me for that stupid boyfriend” and took her” everyone looked at me, I know its my fault.

Mrs. and Mr. Wriner went into fits, they were analyzing things and at the end looked at me “Charlie, we know you and Della are like a thing or whatever…but this is your fault, you have to help us…but you have to break it off with Della so this doesn’t happen again!”
“I know…And I will help because I think I love her…but I will leave her alone so that she doesn’t get hurt.” I added and Mrs. Wriner let off me, holding the side of her head, fighting tears.

*******************Della’s POV*******************

“You’re supposed to be pretending to kidnap me, you don’t have to be abusive!” The man turned around quickly “I also have to make sure it looks like you’ve been kidnapped and abused! that’s how it looks real!!!” I sighed…this is why I never hire actors.

“Okay, Sam? Remember what we agreed to? You have to get me pregnant and I have to pretend it’s rape and I’ll pay you the money” Sam sighed “Whatever you say…but I want my amount in full!” I nodded and readied myself on the bed

Baby 39 is on the way…

*******************Coca’s POV*********************

I had decided to start aging the kids up because that’s what Mom usually does around this time, I know that everything that’s going on is fake, Grandma and Mom concocted this plan and it’s really smart but I’m left to do this kinda stuff….Victory aged up really pretty, she looks like a mix of my mom and Charlie.

Heart has this weird Lady Gaga obsession, she even keeps her hair like Lady Gaga’s was in the born this way video.

Diamond is funny, she always must look in a mirror before talking on the phone or play patty cake before eating…I don’t understand it but maybe I will someday

Spade looks most like mom out of the three, she is cute and sweet at the same time.

Christine…took…my…breath…away. She is gorgeous and what I wish I look like…***Jealous***

I don’t mean to boast but I think I aged up pretty hot! Maybe I’ll get a few suitors soon!

Cola grew up pretty (Nowhere near as pretty as I am) she has our dad’s blonde hair when I have mom’s, she also got a lot of the features of the man we never met.

When I had finished putting the cakes away…I heard a crash in the other room, when I rushed in I found my mom on the ground, a piece of paper clutched into her hand…When she woke up she told us everything was fine and me and Cola were allowed to leave home, so we did, giving the POV back to mom

****************Della’s POV****************

The plan went along perfect, Charlie came over after the girls left, I also invited Vanessa over, I not only needed a shoulder to cry on…but I needed her as a witness.

“Della, I care about you but I’m leaving, its not me, its you, I can’t be in a relationship with someone who is just going to go around and get pregnant with other men’s babies, even if its not your fault, this here is my fault, I’m not going to be around anymore”
He said goodbye and left, I hope I never have to see him again…it would be hard.

As Vanessa held me close I cried because I really did care about Charlie but I don’t want to hurt him…so this is all I can do…I invited her inside for a bite to eat and some coffee, I know she hasn’t been sleeping much lately and it’s the most I can do to help.

Vanessa decided to help cheer me up with a bit of pillow fighting! it worked I must say!

Coca and Cola whispered their goodbyes as they left for good, I’m grateful that they were here while I was doing….my stuff.

“So you and mom are really good friends huh? So how did you get so close? When did you decide to be best friends?”
“You’re mom was like a stack of dirty dishes” Vanessa started “She was left over and needed someone to clean her up” she started laughing and so did Christine “Don’t tell your mom I said that”

“Watch me Diamond! I’m going to be a prince sliding down the slide to jump on the horse!” Heart said as she climbed the slide.

“AHHHHHHH HELP! DI! MY HORSE RAN AWAY!” Heart said falling down the slide, to what she thinks is her horseless doom!

'“Um ouch” she hit the bottom and her butt cushioned the fall, good thing she has that squishy butt!

“Nessa? Will you be my babies godmother? Pleaseeeeeee?” I begged! A huge smile spread over her face as she said “Why would I refuse? OF COURSE! Awwwww I’m aunt Nessa” ^_^

She felt my stomach but then she had to go home, right when I want to hug her and not let go…she runs off. I love this girl but she is very busy XD

After she left I took Victory and taught her how to walk and talk, she picked up her skills pretty fast, and she held onto them faster.

At 1:00 PM I put her down for her nap so I can get some cleaning done…

I had started cleaning but ended up on the computer writing a book about Tara, her request! It was proving to be quite easy since I spent every waking moment with her.

Or I was…until Baby 39 decided to show up...I meant Babies 39 and 40.

Jane Wriner (Dedicated to Violet Jane Newbie)

And Gracie Wriner (Dedicated to a little squirt who likes glaring at me ^_^)


  1. Dedicated to a little squirt who likes glaring at you. TRUE STORY :D Great post! Vanessa needs to push aside her life for a while and spend more time with Della XD

  2. I DECLARE, THE NEXT TIME YOU HAVE GIRL TWINS, You should name them Ava and Hannah :) kthnxbi xDD I'll name one Della :)

  3. Awe what little cuties! :D Love the storyline. I can't wait to see the day Della does find love. :D

  4. Oooh, what tangled webs we weave...very interesting storyline!

  5. Heeelo :D
    I JUST became a huge fan of your blog.
    Is it alright if I put you in my game and have you visit sometime?
    I'd love it if you had my sim visit as well x]

  6. love it dells <3 cant wait for the next one ! xxx

  7. @Nessa: Gracie does like glaring at me! even on skype! I would say it was creepy but I love the kid so much <3 Vanessa has too much of her own life for that -_-

    @Ava: I declare that my next twins shall be named Ava and Hannah! Your wish is my command dear Ava

    @ForeverHailey: Thanks so much :) They grow up cute too...Della'll find love someday...but not this early.

    @Cassie: I like to keep my readers reading :) therefore I can not stray from drama for too long.

    @Yuki: THANK YOU!!! :DDD That would be GREAT. I'm LBKLWSLG on the sims site, if you would give me the link to your sim, I can have her visit sometime?

    @Melody: Thanks :) New one coming soon
