Sunday, May 27, 2012

Gen 3- Innocence

"Stay away!" I screamed with as much force as I could muster up. I frantically started walking backwards to get further away from the man walking closer to me. The smile on his face showed that he wasn't satisfied with what he saw and would do anything to get what he wanted.
With each second, I started panicking more. My vision started to swoop around the room more, causing my feet to trip over one another, resulting in myself falling to the floor, making me that much easier to reach. The relief that alcohol had provided had washed out of my body, leaving me alert and scared for my life.

 I scrambled back up to my feet and dashed to all of the doors surrounding me. The flicker of hope I had died a little more after each door I found locked. I was struggling with one handle as his laugh sounded out from behind me, causing me to jump.

"Oh come on sweetheart, I just want to take care of you. Don't be scared of me, I promise I don't bite." I started to sprint for another door as his grasp locked onto my wrists and jerked me back to him. His laugh returned again as he looked me over, pondering on what to do next. Once his mind was made up, he tightened his grip on my wrists even more. I didn't dare make a sound, though, as my hands started to turn white.
He pushed me up against the wall as his unsatisfied smile returned. "If you don't cooperate, thing will get very ugly, very fast. You don't want that, do you sweetheart?"

The name sweetheart sickened me. I wanted so badly to spit in his face and get away, but one thing life lessons taught me back on the island?

 Fighting back makes everything much worse.

His fingers barely ran down my neck before reaching my dress straps, pulling them down as his fingers traveled further south. He licked his lips and kissed my shoulder, once, twice, three times. My dress fell further down my body and with each second, I became more and more exposed. When my dress fell to the floor, his unsatisfied smile changed. It looked more lust filled this time.

I closed my eyes and drained my brain. "This is just a bad dream, Ande. You're fine, this man isn't real, he's a figure of your imagination." The words spinned around in my head as the man grabbed me by the waist and dragged me to the bed that was sitting in the middle of the room.

I didn't even want to fight back now. The hope inside of me was gone, and I knew this man was going to rip away everything from me. He pushed me down on the bed and positioned his body over mine, still gripping my wrists like he was scared I might get away.

 His lips crashed against mine as he struggled to get rid of all of his clothing. I kept my eyes closed. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing the terror in my eyes as he ripped all innocence I had left away from me.

After what seemed like an eternity, he shoved me away. I opened my eyes just enough to catch the glimpse of him throwing a towel at me as he pulled his shirt back on. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted to take back everything that had happened. I didn't move, I was blinded by terror and pain that washed over my whole body.

I lay there completely and utterly defenseless and vulnerable. The words bad dream were not spinning around in my head anymore. My brain was spitting out so many words at once that I couldn't even see straight. The one thought that I could pick out of the jumble of words was the one that shouldn't even be there:

 I need my dad. I need him now.

It took a lot but I managed to muster up the energy it took to sit up. I felt a cool breeze hit the back of my neck and I told myself not to cry, not to show pain...I told myself to be strong because its all I had left now. It didn't work.

The pain echoing through my body was too much, I buried my face in my hands and started to sob. "Now, now.. Don't cry." His snakelike voice whispered from across the room. "Everyone has to go through that and someday you'll find out that you like it more than anything else. You'll go insane trying to get it."

I looked up at him and glared, trying to see into those eyes of his to understand what he was thinking...But no amount of staring could get past the steel gates of teal that blocked his soul. I whimpered, rocking back and forth as my entire life fell apart before my eyes.

 Hours went by that felt like years, the sun made its peak over the hillside and shone light over everything but my little room. It had been almost 2 days before I found it even easy to get up and walk around. That man hadn't bothered me or tried to even get in the room. Lord knows I didn't want him to.

I spent a great amount of time just laying on the bed. I had thought of suicide...It would be a easy way out but then I thought, what little girl would have to take my place here? It could be anyone.. The girls I worked with at the ballet studio or even my own little sister.

It hurt too much to think of what my parents must be doing. Have they even come looking for me? Do they care that I left?

 "LET ME OUT OF HERE." I slammed my fists against the door violently, shaking the walls near me and rattling things on the other side. I knew he was out there. Every day he paced around the front room...This time he was talking. I pressed my ear up to the surface, easily listening to the phone conversation on the other side.

"I thought we had a deal? I find them, break them in and then sell them to you for full price? This new one is a feisty little devil. Took me awhile but I got her eventually." I started to shake again and fell back from the door with a large thump. He wasn't talking about dogs or horses....

He was talking about me.

I struggled to get up once again and simply crawled back to the bed. I wrapped my arms around myself as the only source of comfort that I could find. The blankets seemed to pull themselves around my shoulder and I fell asleep. But sweet dreams is exactly the opposite of what I was having. The nightmares never stopped anymore.

"ANDE! Get up...Come on..." I swiftly flipped over in bed when I heard that voice. I almost burst into tears and jumped up into his arms where I always found safety when I was younger.
I wanted him to hold me while I cried my eyes out...I needed him and he could tell, the way I jumped up and hugged my father around the waist. He brushed my hair back and kissed my forehead just like he always used to do when I was sad or needed comfort.

I sobbed violently into his shoulder and he just stroked my hair, soothing words stopped my shaking...until the voice changed, the way he held me changed...I looked up into his eyes and instead of seeing the violet eyes that held so much love...I saw teal, evil eyes, a smirk of satisfaction and a steel grip on my back. I couldn't get away...he had me again and none of my cries for help were heard, no matter how many people were probably around here. I was helpless again...

I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily with tears rolling down my face. I tried to pull myself together but it wasn't as easy as it used to be. I would tell myself " aren't allowed to be scared of anyone or anything...You're stronger than that."

Not 10 minutes later, my door opened for the first time in a week. He stood in the middle of the doorway and threw a bag onto the bed next to me.
"Good. You're up...I wouldn't want to have to shake you awake or anything. I know girls spook easily." He laughed and pointed to the bag. "Put that on and be ready in 20 minutes." I stared at the bag as he slammed the door and locked it again.

Okay, so first of all I would like to say thank you to Caitlyn for helping me write this post...I would never have been able to do it without your help, Caits. So, thank you a bunch!

Another thing I would like to add is that things like this happen every day. Real girls are abducted and abused and raped. Most times, even murdered. This is no laughing matter at all. 

Thank you for reading :)


  1. Wow. You write very well, especially considering the fact that this is such a... mature and important subject. NOT that I didn't think you wrote well before, you just really excel at this.

    I appreciate how you posted the note at the end, its always good to raise awareness of this.


    1. Omg...Thank you <3 I did have a lot of help writing this though...She'll deny it because she modified what I wrote.
      Vanessa Wood deserves credit for it all...

      I think that things like this need to be brought to attention. There are girls out there that no one even knows is missing. Even though those big guys out there will never read this.

  2. Oh, No!! Poor Ande!! :O
    Oh my gosh I hope she'll be alright. :(
    Write soon okay! I wanna know how Ande gets herself out of this one.
    Great post (The writing, not the bad stuff happening to Ande)

    ~Dawn Turner

    1. I'll start on the next one as soon as I can :) I won't leave you hanging for too long. I love how you have such confidence that she will get herself out of it.

      Thank you so much :3

  3. NOOOOOO! No no no no no no! Poor poor Ande, I hope she get's help...soon!
    Great and mature chapter :)

    1. Don't worry <3 Everything happens for a reason

  4. i almost cried when ande woke up from her dream!!! i thought he was there to save her :(
    you are an amazing writer!!!

    1. I cried while writing it and taking the pictures...It was hard.
      I wish I could have given you guys something like that BUT I can't yet...sorry

      Thank you so much :3

  5. Wait, so Ande got raped right? I couldn't tell if he was just messing with her or what?

    Anyways it's horrible though, I wish things would go better for her. But you write amazing and I love this story.

    1. [His lips crashed against mine as he struggled to get rid of all of his clothing. I kept my eyes closed. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing the terror in my eyes as he ripped all innocence I had left away from me.]

      ^^ That line pretty much sums up your question. Yes, she got raped but I really strived to keep it pg.

      Things will get better for Ande...she's just a trouble attracter...Kinda like Della A

      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment <3

  6. Yeah, I could feel the different writing styles. It was a well-written post, Cait, and it was a well-developed idea, Karni. Good job.

    1. Well, I wrote it...Caitlyn revised it for me...if that makes sense :)
      Thanks a lot Ambs. Your opinion means a lot to me :3

  7. N'awwww...Don't worry...It gets worse. ;D

  8. * sniff * Dang why are my emotions so strong when I read this. Poor Ande!! I'm going to kill that man when I get a chance. I really thought Adam was there to save her but it was all a dream. Very good post Karni and Cait!!!


    1. The point of it was to make your emotions work up....Think of the real girls that are going through this...its just horrible and gets even worse....
      I wish Adam could save her now...

      Thank you for commenting ^_^

  9. UM.....I really don't know what to say. It was well written and I hope Ande finds a way out of this soon.


    1. Thank you Ash...Sorry I kinda left you speechless there.

    2. That is okay. Looking forward to your next post.

  10. I'm guessing she'll get pregnant after this?

  11. If it gets worse than this my fist is headed straight for his jaw!

  12. Ah, but remember that its not only him

  13. Well, some people are getting their asses kicked and teeth knocked out and down their throat!

  14. Remember ch.7 of The Hybrid Theory where I reveal that Hunter had at one time almost been raped? Yeah, you took that about ten steps further and threw in the movie TAKEN with it.
    Poor Ande!!!! You gotta fight back, Ande!!!! Don't be a poor helpless little girl!!!
