Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Baby 4, 5 and 6 - the first set of triplets!

There was no doubt that Jasmine's favorite toy was her doll! she loved it and hugged it all day long, if i would try to take it away Jasmine would scream her guts out!

and while Jasmine would busy herself with that i would do my normal house chorus, like moping the floor...

fixing anything that was broken...

taking care of the twins...

painting for extra money...


watering my little apple tree...

and cleaning the house!

Hey guess what Jasmine? did you know today is your birthday? and the twins's too! i told my daughter, as i was tossing her in the air.

Three birthday cakes, for 1 little girl and 2 little boys!

Mama is this gonna hurt? Jasmine asked as sparkles surrounded her!

Jasmine still loved braids as a child, she got her dad's black hair and my blue eyes! unfortunately she got the Evil trait

she has a bad habit of stealing Josh and Blane's candy

This is Blane, some how he got black hair! he has his father's brown eyes and red skin!

And this is Josh, he got my Silver hair, his dads eyes and skin!

i had more trouble finding a father for my fourth baby, whenever i called Coolbluporso he wasn't home! until i went to the bistro to play the guitar for tips, i met a man with a uni brow named Iqbal Alvi, hello neighbor he greeted me, how is your challenge going? he asked,

i need help, i said can you be the next father? i begged, he seemed kind of surprised at my request, i i i he stuttered i will!

i leaped into his arm and he carried me all the way to my house...

as i kissed him, he fell in love with me, this isint good! i thought! but i went on anyways

we slowly made our way to the bed, he wouldn't let out of his embrace, you cant fall in love with me!! Iqbal, I told him! I know he said sadly!

we got down to it, soon the Lullaby filled the room! as soon as we where done he had to leave.

Soon the Nausea came back again, I'm always cleaning my stupid toilet,

Today me and my family moved into a new house, we used all the saving i kept from when I first moved into Sunset Valley! its a lot bigger than the one we where living in before!

I made pancakes today for me and Jasmine, they where Very Good!

Today is Jasmines first day of school, that gives me some time to teach the twins how to walk and talk! here she is playing Peek-a-boo with Blane! this just melts my heart!!

And today I saw the first sign of my baby bump, I'm hoping for a girl!

As soon as Jasmine got home she did her homework, I'm so proud of her!

and then she did the dishes!

I make sure to spend quality time with each of my children! but we where out of money again so I went downtown to play guitar, the hospital had a lot of people showing up so I went there!

Soon the Contractions started coming on! I screamed my guts out! I went in the hospital

I came out with this! the infamous Baby carrier! But it wasn't twins, it was triplets! i named them Gracie, Felicity and Melanie! they all got My Eyes and there Dad's skin color!




the Nausea came back today, but not becuse of pregnacy, Becuse Iqubal was over and her made some bad Food!


  1. could you name a baby tucker

  2. I Love your stoies! Couple questions? Do you use cheats? It seems like you always have free time, and how do you have a baby with out falling in love? BTW I'm doing a baby challenge. one for both of my computers. I'm just staring, though. <3 you should name one of the babys Summer! or Spring! Just suggestions!

    1. Yes i use cheats, But only sometimes, She is Romantic Interest with every guy she has a baby with, The names Summer and Spring would be great twin names! i could add Autumn if its Triplets

  3. Name a baby Elinka

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just a friendly suggestion.

    Think about an exclamation point as a "pop!" In some sentences, they don't really need a pop. For example,

    "this isnt good!i thought!"


  6. Isn't that an Evil doll that corrupts your files?!!

  7. Can you name a baby Olivia or Delilah?

  8. Guys, the virus doll is back... it deletes your whole sims game for sure. :T

  9. Are you still doing this challenge?? I just started reading & i <3 <3 it

    1. This challenge isn't active. There is a lot to read though, it'll probably take awhile to catch up with what I have written.
