Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gen 3-What now?

"One fuck, two fucks, three fucks. I don't give any of them." I sang while doing chin-ups in my room. I had just finished being yelled at for "disobeying rules, calling my sister names, running around amuck with Aphrodite." If only they understood what was going on in my life. But do they try? NOOOOOOOOO. I'm alone in this world. My best friend is a giggly optimist and I'm a sullen, hostile person with no need to be optimistic because I've already got someone to do that for me.

 What my lot in life is though, I'm not sure. Maybe I was put here for people to pick on and say "Oh, she's stupid and ugly. Lets make her our target." Seems legit.

I could easily hear my parents in the kitchen, mom was doing the dishes and dad was making himself coffee.

"What do we do?" Her whispers were easily transmitted .

 "Well, you're the one who's had a hundred kids!"

"We should get her a boyfriend." Mom laughed, ridiculous! They should know me better than this. If I was in their shoes, I would just cut back on the freaking rules. They don't know how to have fun and now I'm stranded in my room without going out, other than school. It'll be this way for 2 freaking weeks.

through the walls and straight into my room. The good thing is that they think that I'm deaf and can hear. "Have you thought about boarding school?"

 "God, no. She'd hate us forever." Not true. Actually, I would be quite happy if they sent me off, but how were they supposed to know that?

"We could get her a therapist?"

"I don't think that would go too well with her either." Mom sighed. I laughed.

I heard the same old familiar sound of my dad giving my mom a kiss and felt like I could throw up in my mouth. The bitterness was taking over my entire body and I felt myself become someone cold and unwanted. No one would ever want to kiss me like that. I would never get married...And nothing can change my mind about this one.

The next morning I bustled out of the house as fast as I could but it was obvious that my parents had other things on their minds about now. I took this chance to wear what I wanted and get away with it. Although, I was ready to face the pains of going back to school, I couldn't tell weather today was gonna end up being hell.
I made a point to sneak into the school early, mainly so I cold be alone. I slumped into a ball next to my locker just to think. The insane thoughts running through my head hardly made sense at all. Mom told me to grow up and act like an adult and that means following rules. Dad went completely against her and said that I needed to act like a kid, because if I don't then my adulthood would more than likely crumble to the floor.

"Hello, beautiful," I looked up cautiously and raised one eyebrow at Arley. "What would such a lovely lady be doing in a school, on her own, at 7 in the morning?"

 "Um...Going to school?" The unusually light look in his eye caused another line to form between my brows "Doesn't start for another two hours, though." He stated. Getting down to my level and staring me in the eyes. His were sky blue, almost white and the freckles that covered his face were scrunching together as he studied me.

 "Will you please leave me alone?" His laugh was weird. It made me think of some kind of duck who was in the middle of dying.

"Why would I leave you to be so down in the dumps? I do owe you one..."

"Hell, yes you owe me one! You broke my spirit. Hurt me. And I thought we were friends."

 "Well, maybe that's why I'm trying to help." His expression got hard and Aphrodite appeared behind him. Saving my butt.

"What's going on Ande?" I gave her a distress signal and she started out on Arley. "Have you finally learned how to be nice?" She grabbed my hand and pulled me up to stand next to her. "We're both freaking tired of you and your sister. If you don't leave us alone then principal Sanders is gonna hear a lot more about it."

But even Aph had to back off when Riley showed up, bustling in and I was quickly cornered. Arley shot me a look that didn't say that he was sorry but at the same time it didn't exactly show that he knew she would attack like this. "Have you not yet learned that no one likes you?" Riley sneered into my face before grabbing me by the arms and pulling me away from the small crowd.

"You are such a freaking loser! You're going to die alone!" I laughed a laugh that didn't belong to me at all. I didn't want to do anything harsh in fear of getting in trouble or suspended. "You don't understand? You. Are. Stupid. And. Ugly! Get a life ANDE."

"At least was born pretty." I smirked one last time before she lunged for me and clasped her hands around my throat. Every second she squeezed harder and my air supply was getting scarce but screaming would only give her the pleasure..I had Aphrodite to do that for me. Right before I lost consciousness I opened my mouth but no sound came out...

The darkness scared me.

 **********************DELLA'S POV**************************** 

The last few nights have been just awful. Having a peaceful night was new, given that I had no clue where Ande had gotten off too...I figured that I need not worry. She has been turning into such a drama queen in her teen years. I know she's only 15 years old but she should know better than to disobey rules and stay out so late. So I'll leave it on her. I agree that clothes should be to express yourself but I did that for her. If she wants to be picked on about her clothes, then just let her.

Now Eden, she's just the sweetest little thing. Her heart is pure gold and I just don't understand why Ande doesn't get along with her. I've come to the conclusion that letting Ande have her way her entire life has made her hard. Therefore I'm going to blame myself for however awful she becomes.

"Don't get mad at her when she gets home, Della." Adam said, picking Eden up and taking her to bed. "Give her some space." I was fully prepared to do just that when the phone started to ring... "Mrs. Langly? You might want to come to the infirmary downtown? There has been an 'accident.'" I could hear the quotations in her voice and thought "What on earth did that girl get herself into this time?!"


  1. Accident, my butt! =P
    I'm not sure I'm too fond of either of the sisters at the moment, but the story is still engaging. I think your writing's definitely improved. Looking forward to more! =)

    1. Well, Ande is actually the "Nice sister" if you think about it :P
      I personally couldn't love a pair more than I love Ande and Eden :3

      Thank you so much, Megan L:

    2. I know, but I was never a rebellious teen, and I'm very family-oriented, and she's just so... opposite. xP I still love the story; I just know I wouldn't really get along with them irl. lol

    3. Well, she's gonna start trying harder soon. Just give her a little time :)

  2. Great post! Another cliffhanger...! :DD

    ~Mel aka Kris :3

    1. Haha thank you ^_^ I'm sorry about the cliffhanger. XD I'll stop with them now that I'm sure I have enough posts to go on.

  3. OH COME ON! I'm sick of these cliff hangers.

    1. Isn't everyone? Even I'm tired of them but I need a certain number of posts before I can do something -_-

  4. I actually love the cliffhangers.. they leave me wanting to know what's gonna happen next and makes me extra excited for when the next post comes out :D
    That was NO FREAKING ACCIDENT, Riley knew what she was doing that psycho ugly poodle XD You'll be fine Ande, Aunty Li knows how strong you are, girl.
    ^Perhaps Li could come with you to visit her in the infirmary? Just a thought, I don't mind.
    You're so great at post's and idea's! :D
    And I thought Arley was gonna be nice.. then I remembered he's Riley's twin sister, you buttmunch >|
    Dells, I hate to disagree, but you don't know what Eden is like to her sister, she may be sweet and innocent with you guys, but to Ande, she's a typical bratty little sister. But i'll still love her and be her Aunty Li :)

    --AUNTY LIANA (THE BEST AUNT!:D) Maybe me and Vanessa are equal in best auntyness :D

    1. Well, then I dedicate this cliffhanger to you Liana XD I'm glad that you like them...

      You're right! But on behalf of Mrs. Goodman, everyone wants to make them believe that it was an accident. But how exactly do you strangle someone on accident? Would you tell me that?

      Maybe Li should come visit ^_^ That would be fun. Maybe it would give me something to do for the next post.

      Arley is truly nice at heart. He just doesn't let you think that ^_^

      Maybe Della should walk in while Ande is being brat-ed by her sister? Hehe

  5. oh wow. Ande's life has gotten crazy and Della is not the same woman that we have all gotten to know. I hope they work all this our and that Ande is okay.


    1. Della and Ande have effected each other and been effected by the other people around them...I promise that it will get better.

  6. Dang. Ande should just beat them into a slimy pulp on the floor. That'll show 'em. I'll help, because I really don't like Riley. It was no accident. What excuse are they gonna conjure up now as to why she's been strangled.

    I'm certainly beating her into a pulp.

    Riley is a bad name forever more in my books.

    Eden, she's very manipulative and mean, and I don't like her. And WHY WON'T DELLA SEE IT!?

    -A Ticked of Skye.

    PS: Ande, GIVE ME YOU HAIR!!!!!

    1. Slimy pulp, got it...I'll add that to the list of things that Ande does to get herself into trouble. You may help if you wish. I want to see the look on their faces when Ande comes with back up XD

      You should do that. And then feed them to Wonton.

      Yes...keep it that way.

      Eden can be nice when she wants to and that is all that Della sees at the moment.

      Thanks for commenting and NO. MINE

  7. OH no no no!!! That was no accident there!!!! Plus I think Adam and Della need to get their minds straight and unpunish Ande! She might get in trouble now who knows! I kind of like the cliff hangers they make want to know more. Seriously I check everyday for and update!!!!


    1. Noo accident there at all...The only accident in that room was Riley. -_-

      Adam didn't want to punish her. But Dell is in charge of that part.
      I like cliffhangers because it makes people come back Hahahaha

  8. Post a new chapter as soon as you can please? You should just write a whole novel at once, you're so amazing Karni!

    1. I'm having writers block so I'm not sure how soon I'll have it out...I've tried the Novel thing and it doesn't work out for me XD

      I am not amazing.

  9. Damnit! Riley is such a (censored)(censored)!!!! AND YOU!!!!!!! WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just though I'd give ya some hate mail! ;) LOVE YA, K-GIRL!!!;)
    Besides, who am I to ask why you would do that to your own character?! I mean, I'm killing mine one life at a time for God's sake! LOL!!!

    1. I just don't know how to reply to you Haylee. You're insane

  10. I still love you Ande. I still think Eden needs to get a serving of her own crap. I still think Riley is a bitch. I still think Arley is no good.
    yep. My mind hasn't changed at all about your characters.
    Well except for Della and Adam.
    Yours truly, YOUR BEST FRIEND.

    1. Don't worry. Eden will get seconds of her own crap. HAHAHA

      Ande loves her aunt Nessa and she wants to meet little Delilah as well ^_^ So hurry up you slowpoke.
      Riley is a bitch and needs to get her face ripped off. Arley isn't that bad...just not that good at the same time.

      D: Adam and Della still love Nessa too! They're just trying to be good parents to a wayward child.

      I'll never quit. MWAHAA

  11. Your talent amazes me but it sucks that you don't realize your own overflowing beautiful imagination.
    I love love love this story and especially this generation.

    1. <3 <3 <3 I can't really muster up the words to say to express my gratitude towards you and this comment...On my suckiest day, even the smallest compliment can lift up my spirits and you've done that for me <3

      If I could thank you a million times...it wouldn't be enough

      Doylegirl <3
