Friday, May 25, 2012

Gen 3- Alone

*Della E* 

"When did you notice that she was missing?"
"Around 8 this morning..." I tugged on my collar. No amount of assurance could wipe away the guilt that I felt for not listening to her...
I accused her of wanting attention when I knew very well that my Ande could never do something like this. And because of me...she was gone and will probably never come back. But the worst part was Adam...He sat at the table with his face in his hands and wouldn't talk to anyone. Not even officer O'Conner who was just trying to help and getting nothing.

"After you left the station last night, what did Ande do?" He asked, pulling his note pad up to eye level so it would be easier to write. "She just went to her room and went to bed."

"Did she act different about how she did it? Corrupt teens usually show some signs of hopelessness...Needing help but can't find it where they are so they run away. Either for attention or to find the help that they really need."

"I don't believe that she did this for attention...She tried to tell me something last night but I wouldn't listen...I blame myself for all of it.."

"Della, don't blame yourself...we should have seen it coming." This, being the first thing Adam has said to me since we found out Ande was missing was unsettling but he went on. "Did we even try to stop it? The torment she was getting? Try to see it from her perspective. She isn't leaving to get away from you. She's leaving to get away from someone who should have left a long time ago."
I knew Riley Goodman was trouble from the moment I saw her...Why I do the things I do? I wouldn't know if it hit me in the face.


I stepped into the center of the city as all the lights danced around me. Even while the sun is up, the buildings amazed me.
Birds flew around my head and little dogs barked from peoples purses. Everyone couldn't help but look at the little 18 year old running around on her own in Bridgeport. I couldn't help but think that my parents probably didn't even care and wouldn't look for me. They'd go on with their lives as if I was never there.

I had no clue what I was going to do for food or shelter here in the big bad city. Fliers were posted everywhere for apartments for rent or jobs that are looking for full time, experienced workers who knew how to run some kind of equipment that I can't even pronounce the name of.

As I was walking the streets one morning, I spotted a pink flier and before hardly reading it, I ripped it from the wall and stuffed it in my pocket. Finally tired of being so hungry and tired....I figured that even if I had no experience at all they wouldn't just throw a 18 year old out on the streets on her own. Come to think of it, the last meal that I had was breakfast before my ballet recital and that was 5 days ago.

I walked up to the address posted on the flier and thought maybe I had read it wrong. "7090 Top Ave." I read to myself and then checked the plate right under the call button that read the exact same thing.
 So, I pressed it. I've never been in a city before so when a lady answered "Who's calling?" From the speaker right next to the button, I jumped.

"Um...I'm...Ande Langly and I'm calling about the flier for the position that was open here?"

"Give me a moment, I'll buzz you in." The door clicked open and I felt the cool air wafting towards me. A young woman in a maids outfit met me at the base of the stairs and took me up to a room with glass doors and left me on my own. Painted on the walls and mirrors were murals of ballerinas doing jete's and plia's around the room.

"Ande? That's how you say it, no?" The french accent was unmissable. "Welcome to my studio. I hear that you would like to apply for the job? Do you even know how to dance? I have 20 little girls that come in here every week to learn ballet. Their parents pay good money so I can't have a slacker."

 I nodded sharply. "I have been taking lessons since I was 10."

"And how old are you, my dear?"

 "I'm 21." I lied through my teeth on this one but if I don't get this job, then all my options are gone. If I don't get this job...I might as well just go back to where I came from.

"Well, if you would...could you show off your dancing skills for me?" She grinned and took a seat in a very comfortable looking beanbag chair and pulled out a remote, turning on the radio for me to dance to.
I didn't know how well I could do this though, because of my hunger and fatigue. But I did my best, moving ever so gracefully for how clumsy I was when I was this tired.

I finished, out of breath and panting but the french woman stood up, grabbed my hand and said "You...Can dance." I bit my lip and she continued. "You may call me Madam Elizabeth. Be here tomorrow by 8:00 Am. Get some rest and get some food in that stomach. I can tell that you haven't eaten in awhile."

When she let go of my hand, she left a 20 dollar bill and then escorted me to the door...I left that night and had a feast of all sorts of different foods at the buffet.

I think that I like it here in Bridgeport.

 *2 weeks later* 

"Ms. Ande? Will you tell us another story?" Every day since I've been working at Madam Elizabeth's dance studio, me and the girls that we work with have truly bonded.
Every day they ask for a story and every day I tell one. Even madam Elizabeth sits and listens to me as I tell made up stories.

"What do you want to hear now, Cassie?" I asked, picking up the little girl and putting her on my back for a piggy back ride. "Will you tell that one about the princess who rides a dragon?" Stephanie giggled and sat down cross legged on the floor where 5 other girls were waiting.

"Go on...Tell it! Then we can practice our routines again and we won't bug you again until next time."

"Well, alright." Madam Elizabeth plopped down in her beanbag chair to listen.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who never had any friends. She was alone and couldn't understand why no one liked her when she was always so nice.
This princess had multicolored hair and one day, figured out that people thought she was different."

 I laughed, recalling a time in my life where I wasn't happy with how unique I was.

"So, this little princess went out to find something to take the colors out of her hair so that she could be normal. Instead she ran into this big dragon who she feared would eat her. So she ran...the dragon followed close behind but only because he really liked looking at the colors in her hair and thought that it was beautiful. When he finally caught her, she realized he was a good dragon and they formed a bond greater than any other...And they lived happily ever after for the rest of their lives."

 I only wish that my life was more like a fairy tale.

When the girls all stood up, Madam Elizabeth grabbed me by the hand and whispered in my ear "Have you ever thought of having kids?" and then laughed... "Actually, I have." I looked up at my boss and the closest friend that I have here in the big old city and she just giggled.

"Have you ever wanted a babysitting job or something?" I looked at her like she was loco.

"Why would you need a babysitter? You've never had kids?"

 "Ande, I'm pregnant...I need a helper." She winked at me and went to join the children in their stretches. I just laughed, waving off the thought of ever taking care of a child on my own for longer than five minutes.

As soon as practice was over, I threw my hat onto my head and bounded out the door of the tall building, wondering where I would sleep tonight...if anywhere that is...

I stopped at the nearest grocery store and picked up a bottle of water for my adventure into the heart of Bridgeport where all the music was playing and there were clubs 3 miles wide. That had to be my favorite part about living here, the city lights were just a plus side to it all.

That night, though, was different. I walked into my favorite club to throw down a few drinks and watch people be idiots on the dance floor and when at the bar, I finally felt able to handle myself in this place. I felt mature and half of that was just the alcohol working in my system.

That night there was this one man that kept popping up and watching me...Almost as if I was some kind of fresh meat.

You all know me, I just want to have fun and have a good time. I'm a nice person even if I have a bit of a temper. Well, this man didn't know that about me as he walked his drunken ass over and sat next to me.
I could smell his disgusting breath but besides that, he was almost attractive under his five-o-clock shadow and teal eyes.

"Hey, honey. You look lonely, how would you like to come with me tonight? I've got a warm house with lots of food in the fridge." He winked and grabbed my arm as I reached for my drink. "You're a very pretty girl. A pretty girl needs taken care of."

And just like that, I was abducted. Over 100 people where there and not one of them saw him cover my mouth and drag me beside him. And just when I thought I was liking this place, too.


  1. O_O ANDE!!! Just when I thought her life was going great this happens. Man, oh, man! I hope she'll be okay.
    Write more soon.

    ~Dawn Turner

    1. I threw a fastball at 'choo huh?
      This has been one of my ideas for a very long time...Heheh
      I'll write more soon.

  2. Um... well... Oh.... My...... I just have to wait to see what happens before I will have more to say.


    1. That's just me....leaving everybody speechless ;D

  3. WOW That's all I have to say

    I'll save ya Ande, Aunty Li will come find you and save you, I pwomisee!
    DELLA WRINER, you're so harsh to your sim daughter :p


      Ande is looking forward to being saved by her auny Li XD

      I know....I'm bad

  5. I can't say anything me too shocked and sad and mad and happy! Too many emotions!!


    1. * Looks at the word me* Why did I write that. I guess I just put what I wanted to say.


    2. So many emotions yet you're speechless...This is a tough one
