Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gen 2. Intervention-Baby 59 and 60

Katmay spent the night entertaining Brittney while I started turning the babies into toddlers, “Peek-a-boo” Katmay would exclaim right before Brittney broke into fits of laughter, throwing her hands up into the air saying “AGAIN! AGAIN” Just like she did when she fell…She likes falling, she likes getting scared, genuine ghost I have here.

The triplets are little boogers, they wouldn’t stay still for the picture, and I took about 18 shots of them just being dorks :3 I could have swore that Cory was having a staring contest with both Todd and Cooper at least in 3 of the pictures. Silly kids.

I was ready for Brittney to become a child, she’s so adorable but when it comes to keeping an eye on her…it gets quite hard, I’m hoping that when she’s older, she’ll be a little easier to take care of.

I was right, she was already easier to see, her hair glowed white and her body yellow, and yes, she still gets into things, she’ll be one that I’ll have to watch out for as a teenager but for now she’s a perfectly behaved child.

Layton and Katmay are each others best friends, and it honestly scared me how much they both looked like their father…I know that it wasn’t their fault that they look like Cim but it still freaked me out a little, especially with Layton being a boy and having Cim’s hair color…

And last but not least, Emma Wriner, the only adult child in the house, which means that when she moves, there will only be one spot to fill again…I want to keep Emma here forever but now that she’s an adult, she has her own life to live, and that’s exactly what she’s going to do.

My happy place exists in a few places…in my dreams, and my bubble baths. That and with my children, but only this can put me in a relaxed and tranquil mood.

It was almost a whole day of nothingness before a woman came by the house, I couldn’t imagine what she would need and she began to speak
“Are you Della? The challenge mother?” I nodded and the woman continued “I need your help” I faltered and looked shocked before answering “I’m sorry Ma’am but I don’t help other ladies”

The lady glared at me and said “That’s not what I’m requesting. I’m Becky Ackerman, my son, Riley, needs your help…I suppose that I do too, I’m about to pass and he refuses to even leave the house, I wonder if you could maybe…show him what he’s missing…You’re an attractive young lady, you could probably knock some sense into the boy”

I nodded “I understand what you need, how old is your son?” She told me he was 20 years old and actually good looking, not that most the fathers I have aren’t good looking, but she said that she would pay me to do this for her…I refused the money and stuck my head in the door to say that I’d be home later, and I went with the Lady.

Her house was modern and stylish, big but not too big, with the perfect flow of color and furniture, it looks like a designer built it. I walked into the doorways and gasped, the boy sitting at the table was beyond gorgeous… but before we got close to him, his mother looked at me and whispered softly “Try to take him out somewhere, he’s never gone on a date before and I want him to know what that feels like”
“And if he refuses?” I pressed
“We’ll try plan B…throw you two together into his bedroom, I know that’s the kind of thing you’re looking for right? You can get him to crack; you’re a very pretty woman”
I blushed at her comment, totally flushed at the whole situation, but at least I’m helping someone.

“Its Riley right? Boy you’re pale, do you get out much?” I started off being buddy buddy with him and I’ll transition when I need to
“Um, I would rather stay in my house, its where I stay safe…I told my mom that but she doesn’t listen and now she’s dying from cancer” He sighed and put his hand out “Riley, Riley Ackerman, and you’re Della, I know you from the papers, I used to love reading your moms story, I would see pictures of you as a young girl, always so spirited and free, and you still are, you know that if your mom wasn’t the famous Della Wriner, you probably would have never even thought of doing this challenge. You’re a footstep follower and I admire that.”

I gaped at him, how could he understand so well when even I cant…I stared at him for too long before going again “Do you want to come with me to dinner tonight? I’d like some company other than my children.” He smiled a crooked but gorgeous smile
“I always thought you were the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, you’ve grown up so much since I’ve seen you last…I don’t think you remember me…but I used to come to your house with my mom to visit for hours, it was a long time ago…oh gosh, I got off subject, you want to take me to dinner?”

“Yes, I’d like to hear more of what you have to say, I’m intrigued by you and your randomness” He rolled his eyes and sighed “My mom set you up to this but that doesn’t matter, I’ll go with you anyway…is there any possibility that I could take part in your challenge? That would be great, I mean, my mom wants me to get out of the house more, and I’d love to try new things, as in a baby, and you need a father I understand? I haven’t been outside in 5 weeks, it scares me…but with a little help, I could get over it.”

I’m shocked by this man, he seems to have so much going on in his mind that he can’t process one at a time “I’ll help you Riley” I offered and he hugged me “Thank you Della! For being the only one to really try”

It wasn’t hard Getting Riley to go out of the house, just a little bit of old friendship, even if I had no memory of it, and as we left the house, Becky hugged me, all I could do was smile because I really don’t remember having any kind of association with these people.
“How do you like it Riley?” I asked in the sweetest voice ever
“I had no idea how much I missed this, the sun is so heavenly and everything else is just perfect, why was I scared of this for so long Della?” I had nothing to say so I just said “It happens to the best of us” and he continued eating in the glee that he’s sure that I gave back to him.

“I have an idea” I said biting my lip “Lets go down to the beach, we can watch for shooting stars when the sun hides its face” It didn’t take Riley long to agree, he was giddy to see more parts of sunset valley that he hadn’t seen in awhile.

For a long time, we sat by the ocean and watched the stars move all around us, and before long, he was pushing me down on the cool sand, getting a taste of my lips, and I actually enjoyed it, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer every time he kissed me.


I woke up in bed with Riley in a small inn outside of town, I didn’t want to leave his side at all but I knew that I have things at home that need taken care of. I checked my phone after getting dressed and I had 7 missed calls from my kids, 3 from Vanessa, 9 texts from Nessa also and a few from my good friend Frella North. Time to get home…

When I got home, I decided to call up Nessa and make sure she’s not dying or something.
“When the turkey crows at midnight, the Nessa breaks a glass” I said into the mouthpiece, “Della, why do you always have to be so weird?” Nessa said through a laugh, “Some times I wonder if you’re even a sim. I was just making sure you’re alright, last time you didn’t answer my texts, you were being held hostage” I explained that I was just with a guy I used to know and there was nothing to worry about, I was almost to the point of my story, when my bell rang and I told Ness I’d call her back later.

I peered through the window and of course! Frella North
“I TRIED TO CALL YOU LIKE 3 TIMES!” Frella started in as a joke “What if Chuck Norris had been trying to turn me into a llama with duct tape?” she glared at me
“I was with someone this morning” I quickly explained

“Someone looks hot tonight” I said pointing at her shortish dress
“Don’t be bragging about you that way Della!” she laughed “I’ve been jogging and I was just making my way around town so I thought I’d stop by”
“Ohhhh so you look hot because you’re working out”
“Stop it Dells” she laughed
I laughed along with her “Why don’t you come inside? Cool down a bit?” She promptly agreed and followed me inside the house

“Life? Scrabble? Monopoly? Or Pictonary?” I gave Frells the game choices and she couldn’t seem to decide, and neither could I, so I gave up on the board game gimmick, they aren’t that fun anyway.

We ditched it for a bit of dancing, this is my favorite thing to take pictures to with my friends, we did this for a long time, just being absolute dorks, not really doing anything with a purpose.

“You must be one of mom’s friends” Katmay said in her usual flat tone “Just don’t make a mess, I have to clean up after everything anyone does around here” she then walked away with Cory and sulked.

Katmay’s behavior astonished me, she’s usually in such a good mood, I’ll find out whats wrong later, for now, I didn’t want to cause a disturbance with Frella. So we went to play darts in the bedroom for the rest of the time she was here.

Don't bug her...she's thinking and thats rare

After Frella left I sent all the kids, but Katmay in to watch TV, I needed to talk to her alone.
“Katmay? What was that all about?”
“I’m tired of never having any fun like you do! I’m always stuck watching over your kids or cleaning your house! I never have time to hang out with my own friends or even with Layton”
“If you’re that miserable why don’t you just age up and leave!”
“I WILL!” She yelled into my face and stomped off screaming “LAYTON! WE’RE LEAVING”

For a minute I didn’t believe that they were serious, I mean, they’re just teenagers, they don’t know what they want. Until they walked down the stairs as full grown adults with their bags all packed.

I begged them not to go and that I was sorry that I’m such a horrible mom. They just walked past and left me, heartbroken, in the doorway.

When I finally gave up and went inside, Cooper was calling me “Mommy! Come hold me” I picked him up in my arms and held him close. “You won’t ever leave me will you?” he shook his head and whispered “No way”

That first day of my pregnancy was coming to an end, as well was me not spending enough time with my children, I know that they need me and I can’t keep running off on them, I had an idea in mind that even they would love….but I couldn’t handle 3 toddlers on my own, so I aged them up to children, Brittney loved this idea, she said that the three would be her best friends in the whole wide world!

Frequently worrying about how my little plan would go during a pregnancy…I went along with it anyway, me and the four children loaded up in the car, and hit the road. we were on the highway headed for Disney land! I was exited for my children to meet the princesses and princes…

Soon after we were past the 5 mile mark from town…I got a phone call, it was my mom, I could hardly understand what she was saying, I finally got “You need to come home…Something‘s happened”

I turned straight around, my mind was foggy with what could have happened, ideas stormed my brain and at the same time, the kids were asking questions. We arrived at my moms house kinda late, Vanessa, Maci, and surprisingly… a car with rented plates that I guessed… was my uncle John’s car. I walked into the house and saw something I’d never expected… every single one of my Mom’s sibling were standing together taking pictures.

“Mom? What did you call me here for?” I asked
“Your Aunts and Uncles want to talk to you, they’re only here for a few more hours, I don’t know what they need to talk to you for but they said it was important, what were you up to anyway?”
“I was taking the kids to Disneyland” I sighed. “We would have been there by now but we should just cancel, the baby is getting pretty big and should be here within the next day”

The one I was actually scared of talking with… was my aunt Winny who seems to be pointing fingers at Maci for something she said
“Della…Della Eve” Aunt Maci started “We have something that we need to tell you”
“You’re mother” Uncle John continued from there “Says that you have some problems with the men you chose for your challenge, and we want to talk to you about that”
I stopped them “You’re telling me that I’m having trouble with men? Did you guys do this for mom when she was raped 3 times? I don’t think so, so what’s the problem you have with me?”

Aunt Danny stepped forward “3 Of us have done this same challenge that you have, your aunt Maci, me and your mom, we all know what its like doing what you’re doing and now were trying to help you with one little thing, please let us” I stared at her “What am I doing so wrong? I can get through this on my own, I’m almost finished so why now?”

“Because of CIM” Aunt Winny said before stomping out of the room mumbling “I don’t know why you people asked me here, you don’t even like me”

“What are you guys gonna do to get me away from people like that? They are everywhere! Not just in Sunset valley”
“Well there’s this hospital in Twinbrook that has a wide selection of sperm donors and we think it would be better for you if you did that” my mom shot each and every one of them a dirty look and I knew that it was because they hadn’t talked to her about this first.

“Why can’t you just let me deal with my own problems, I’m a big girl” That’s when I told the kids to get in the car and that were going home. I would talk to them later about this little problem that they had with me and my challenge and how I’m doing things, they can get over it. They ruined my quality time with the kids and I won’t let them ruin anything else.

When I got back home the door was wide open, I told the children to stay in the car and that I would deal with this…When I walked in the house there was a woman dressed in black and white with a black mask. A burglar. In my home.

“Hello? Police?” I whispered into the phone “There’s a burglar in my house, 202 Fourth and Thirteenth, thank you so much” of course they weren’t here in time and I couldn’t take this guy, I was pregnant and she was athletic and looked strong.

“I can’t get your things back ma’am, we got here as fast as we could, you probably coulda taken her if you weren’t pregnant, you look strong enough” the police man told me, we’ll look for your things but I don’t think we’ll get very lucky”
“I understand” I told him “I can splurge I guess”

“Its time for bed guys” I said as I ushered the kids into the house, “Its been a long day and we’ll try to go to Disneyland some other time” they all groaned and headed to bed for the night. They were disappointed but I was red with fury at my own family. I cant believe they would do this to me.

“What am I gonna do?” I asked myself, “Not even my family trusts me”
I was contemplating life in my own head, Twinbrook didn’t sound bad but at the same time it did, I don’t want to have to start over again and I’m perfectly fine having adult relationships on my own.

As I was thinking about this…I began to feel pains of labor coursing through my body. I wanted to visit the hospital this time around but I had no babysitter for the kids, and I was tired of leaving my kids alone, so it was a home birth.

I said hello to my new girl named Essence about an hour later. Her cute little blanket made by Auntie Vanessa last week :3

I was just putting her down as the kids were leaving for school, we must have been out late or my labor lasted longer than I thought it did, I didn’t have much to say to them but “Have a good day at school” and I thought this was because I was tired.

But after putting Essence down, I went back into labor for another 5 minutes and delivered baby Geri, twins and I was unaware that they were both there the entire pregnancy.

And of course…they were both too cute for words.

Thanks so much for reading :) If you would like to contact me for any questions or dads or even baby names, you can always comment or sent a quick e-mail to :) thanks for you time-Doylegirl


  1. This was a great post Dells!

    Concerned family is always bugging. But you told them you were a big girl. It's good how you added the sperm doner option :D

    Geri and Essence are gonna get cuter and I love how Essence's blanket matched Della's clothes.

    I love how beautiful all of your kids are again.

    And the Disneyland trip would have been great. Also it was good how you got Riley out of the house.


  2. @Liana: Della can never get a break, they are just trying to help but as she said, she is a big girl and can take care of herself, she doesn't need help with that kind of stuff and the challenge is 40 children from being over anyway so I don't see why they think they need to step in now. I've already seen how both of them turn out and they are gorgeous girl :) guess they get it from their mommy.
    I'm trying to get CC for a disneyland trip, I don't know how well that would work out but I don't know if it will really happen one of these days.
    Thanks for the comment~Doylegirl

  3. Loved it :D I think theres a cc merry go round on mts and I'm sure lianasims made a ferris wheel (it's just a light though). You could always take the kids to a swimming pool or something? They could have a a club (like ballet for the girls) and have a show or something? And they boys(or girls too) could have a soccer match. There's probably a pose set for that along with little jerseys for them :3 there could be a baby pageant for the toddlers, or children too, and the teens could go to the salon? Just some ideas for you :p

  4. Love the new post! Yay twins! Thanks for putting Frella in there. I should put V in mine...

    anyway, LOVE YA MY OTHER ELLA! <3

  5. ^^^^^ I like this comment.

    Lovely post by the way Della :D But I'm mad about no disneyland -.-


  6. @TcTara: I'll be sure to look for that sort of stuff, I really would like to take the kids to disneyland in the future, it would be fun and new :) Thanks for the sites, I'll work on that

    @Frella: :3 V is a funny sim, you'd love her. I LOVE YOU TOO MY OTHER ELLA *Puts on sunglasses*

    @Ness:I'm sure you LOOOOVEEE that comment ^_^ Thanks, and I did have an actual disneyland trip set up but its gone, I'm working on it XD

